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Duke Caregiver Community Event

Are you a caregiver for a loved one? Register for access to the the Duke Caregiver Community Event. You'll hear from experts, and connect with services and support systems. Find answers and resources that can help you navigate this journey. 

Connect with Experts, Learn New Skills

This free, on demand event is held on a virtual platform. The information is available in English and Spanish. Presenters will cover these topics and more:
  • Dementia research and behavior strategies
  • Navigating conversations with family and loved ones 
  • Hospitalization and the role of a caregiver 
  • Understanding advanced directives/living wills
  • Overcoming compassion fatigue
  • Resources that will save you time and money
  • Assisted animal therapy 
You can participate in online educational sessions and take advantage of opportunities to connect with valuable resources in our community. You'll gain a better understanding of resilience and well-being, financial assistance, and more. You don’t have to embark on this journey alone -- we’re here to help. 
Educational materials and resources will be available through May 2022.
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The live event program has reached capacity. Please try back again later, as live attendance is always changing. Please contact your event host for more information.
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